2022-2023 College Catalog [***ATTENTION: THIS IS AN ARCHIVED CATALOG***]
Arizona General Education Curriculum-Science Certificate
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AGEC-S is a minimum 35-credit lower-division General Education curriculum block that fulfills the lower-division General Education requirements of majors with more stringent mathematics and mathematics-based science requirements at all three Arizona State Universities (e.g. Biology or Chemistry).
Program Outcomes
Thinking Skills: Using a variety of inquiry methods, resources, and reasoning skills that support and promote lifelong learning. - Formulate vital questions and problems in a clear and precise manner
- Systematically and comprehensively explore artifacts, data, events, issues or arguments
- Identify own and others’ assumptions and biases to determine validity of sources
- Apply valid principles and models to develop a logical, consistent plan
- Draw well-reasoned conclusions from analysis and evaluation of material
Communication Skills: Conveying of ideas using one or more methods of expression (written, oral, signed). - Demonstrate awareness of context, audience, purpose, and the assigned task(s)
- Demonstrate consistent use of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, presentation, and stylistic choices
- Demonstrate effective listening skills
- Use appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline
- Access information using appropriate search strategies, relevant technology, and information sources
Diversity and Global Awareness: An understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures, values, beliefs, and historical perspectives. - Recognize the complexity of elements important to members of other cultures in relation to their history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices
- Describe the relationships between the collective past and present lived experiences of marginalized groups and human systems
- Analyze the interactions between individuals, human systems (global, social, cultural, socio-economic, ethical), and the natural world
Ethical and Civil Values: A better understanding of oneself and others in order to clarify individual and societal responsibilities, needs, and values. - Recognize ethical issues and grasp the complexities or interrelationships among the issues
- Explore the ethical perspectives of others and themselves
- Engage in the contribution of self and others in creating and maintaining a community (personal responsibility, respect, service, teamwork, and entrepreneurship)
Certificate Requirements
All AGEC coursework must be selected from the approved AGEC list. College Composition (6-8)
Arts and Humanities (6)
Two courses from different disciplines. Social and Behavioral Sciences (6)
Two courses from different disciplines. Physical and Biological Sciences (8-10)
General Education Options
Any AGEC coursework above calculus and/or 0-6 science from the following content areas to complete 35 credit hours: Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geology, Physical Geography, Physics, or Zoology. Special Requirements
Must be met within AGEC requirements by a minimum of two courses. Total Certificate Credit Hours: 35
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