2022-2023 College Catalog 
    Mar 06, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog [***ATTENTION: THIS IS AN ARCHIVED CATALOG***]

MAT 230 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

Credits: 5
Lab/Lecture: Five lecture.

Applications and methods of integration, Taylor polynomials and series, differential equations, multivariable functions and vectors.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
  1. integrate complex functions by parts and using tables;
  2. calculate Integral approximations and errors;
  3. integrate improper integrals;
  4. use integration techniques to solve applied problems involving geometry, density, physics and economics;
  5. find Taylor polynomials and use them to approximate functions;
  6. find, analyze, and apply Taylor series;
  7. identify differential equations and their solutions graphically, numerically and analytically;
  8. solve differential equations and application problems using separation of variables;
  9. investigate multivariable functions graphically, numerically, and analytically and apply to three dimensional space;
  10. investigate vectors and vector properties graphically, numerically, and analytically and their application in two and three dimensions.

Prerequisite(s): MAT 220 .
General Education: Mathematics.