2023-2024 College Catalog 
    Sep 15, 2024  
2023-2024 College Catalog [***ATTENTION: THIS IS AN ARCHIVED CATALOG***]

EDU 200 - Introduction to Education

Credits: 3
Lab/Lecture: Three lecture.

An examination of the development of education in the United States, the historical development and social foundations of education, the student as learner, the teacher as a professional and current issues and trends in education. This course includes 30 hours of classroom observations and experiences.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
  1. explore and relate philosophies of education and instructional strategies to future career in education;
  2. demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of education in the United States, including how history has created and impacted American schools;
  3. identify and discuss legal and ethical issues in education;
  4. identify federal, state, and local roles and responsibilities of governance and finance for various school systems (public/private);
  5. research and discuss major issues and trends in education, including but not limited to, student diversity, individual learning differences, culture, at-risk learners, cooperative learning, curriculum and assessment, and parent involvement;
  6. Self-assess individual  potential for teaching with respect to effective teaching research;
  7. complete 30 hours of classroom observations and/or experiences that provide examples of effective teaching and learning, including local schools, programs that serve children, video clips of effective lessons, classroom lessons and presentations;
  8. develop a personal career time-line including requirements for teacher licensing;
  9. use Internet resources for educators.

Prerequisite(s): ENG 099  and RDG 099  or placement