2023-2024 College Catalog 
    Mar 11, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog [***ATTENTION: THIS IS AN ARCHIVED CATALOG***]

MUS 120 - Introduction to Music Theory

Credits: 3
Lab/Lecture: Three lecture.

An introduction to the fundamentals of music: reading, notation, rhythm, scales, intervals, triads, sight-singing, and dictation.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
  1. identify notation;
  2. demonstrate knowledge of major and minor scales, key signatures and the circle of 5ths;
  3. demonstrate various expressions of rhythm;
  4. demonstrate the rudiments of sight-singing and aural skills;
  5. demonstrate the ability to take elementary musical dictation;
  6. demonstrate knowledge of intervals and triads.

Grading Option: May be taken for S/U credit.