The Pre Health Careers program is designed to prepare students for application to the CCC nursing program and/or to seek employment in a variety of health care professions.
*After completion, take the state L.N.A test and pursue licensure through Arizona Board of Nursing
Less than 15 Credits
- Get DPS Fingerprint Clearance card
- Ensure all immunizations are up-to-date for C.N.A program
- Review C.N.A. Handout
- Advising Milestone - Know degree or certificate requirements
During 15-30 Credits
- Advising Milestone - Explore careers related to degree
During 30-45 Credits
- Begin working on Nursing Program application (available in October)
- Attend a Nursing Program application information session
- Prepare for ATI TEAS test (given in January/February)
- Advising Milestone - Know the requirements for degree completion
Last Semester
- Take the ATI TEAS test (given in January/February)
- Submit Nursing Program application for following fall semester