Sep 15, 2024
2024-2025 College Catalog
ANT 250 - Peoples of the World Credits: 4 Lab/Lecture: Four lecture.
This capstone course in anthropology provides the opportunity for students to apply anthropological theoretical perspectives and methodologies to topics of interest, including both historic and contemporary subject matter. Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- develop a personal and academic perspective that diminishes ethnocentrism and fosters cultural relativism;
- demonstrate an understanding of various theoretical and methodological approaches utilized by anthropologists when working with communities worldwide;
- apply anthropological theories and methods to a broad range of student designed projects;
- analyze and compare holistically how diverse cultures function;
- and develop writing and research skills pertinent to the field of anthropology.
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites: ANT 102 and ENG 101 . Corequisite(s): Co-requisite: English 102 . General Education: Social/Behavioral Sciences. Special Requirement(s): Intensive Writing/Critical Thinking; Ethnic/Race/Gender Awareness; Global and International Awareness; Historical Awareness. Recommended: ANT 101 .